Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 98

Journal entry:

Journal 4-16-20130001


Not Near Enough

It’s impossible
To be perfect, and yet my
At being imperfect are
Seemingly so limitless.

I can do my best
And still fall incredibly
Short of what I should
With greatest ease accomplish,
My efforts are all lacking.

I make grave errors
In judgment when I should know
So much the better,
Maybe I am so deeply
Flawed there is no remedy.

Repeatedly I
Fall short of expectations
Never fulfilling
The hopes and dreams of those who
Choose to put their faith in me.

It’s impossible
To be perfect, yet I have
Made an art form of
Missing opportunities
To fulfill my potential.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I have learned to hang up on salespeople who call and wake me.
2.   Mom and I had leftover sandwich for supper.
3.   I was able to go to my class this evening.
4.   I learned a lot.
5.   I was able to talk to Richard, Norma, and Carri after the class.


I finished Tuesday in disappointment with myself, but I sincerely hope your day was rewarding. I recommend you busy yourself doing something creative. Whatever media you choose to work in, use your fertile imagination. You have great talent, which you may share with the world.

As a prompt, write about a situation in which you either exceed or fail in meeting expectations. Your poem, story, or journal entry can be shared by leaving a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. This was not the most fortuitous day, but I hope you will return. You might also want to enter your email address in the space above and subscribe to Chronicles. If you have anything to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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