Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 99

Journal entry:

Journal 4-17-20130001


This poem is a tribute to my very good friend Dana…


The hours of darkness
Unfurl cleanly, quietly,
Almost endlessly;
Taking me from day to day
Without any stop for sleep.

I share my thoughts with
A friend who is far away,
In another life;
Our ages, situations,
Are distant in space and time.

We discuss writing,
Wrestling, children, even love
And I find myself
Wondering, ‘Who is teacher,
Experience or sweet youth?’

My gift is knowledge
Gained over a difficult
Lifetime full of tears;
Hers is the perspective of
Endless opportunity.

I learn not to count
Myself out, despite aging;
Because her hope is
Constant and contagious for
Even one such as I am.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom made it through the day though she hardly slept at all.
2.   I made it through the day though I slept none at all.
3.   The truck did not require more extensive repairs.
4.   Mom did not go out and look at the new Explorer.
5.   My Droid kept me in touch this morning.


I had an awesome Wednesday, though it was too expensive to be born. I tend to have great days when I stay up all night. Especially when some of my best friends keep me company, as Dana did during the night. I hope your day was also great. Now I suggest you engage your imagination and create something to share with the world. Surely you, with your superior talent, can create wonders.

As a prompt, write about something unusual rodents have done in your life, or borrow my life… Write a story, poem, or journal entry and leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Beware the squirrels. They may look like nice little critters, but they have nasty teeth. Come back to visit, and if you like subscribe to Chronicles. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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