Monday, January 07, 2013

365 Creativity Project-Day 364

Journal entry:

Journal 1-7-20130001

Declaration Of Intent

No, no,
Do not tell me
I cannot do all things
I set my mind and heart upon
Because I will without doubt prove you wrong
Nothing at all will prevent me
From doing everything
I aspire to do
In time

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, January 7, 2013





I am grateful:

1.   I woke up well rested.
2.   Richard, my mentor, called and remotely added some mailing lists to my computer.
3.   Mom rode to town with me.
4.   I was able to get CHN&V magazines to take to the club meeting on Thursday.
5.   Mom and I bought some wonderful Bibles at Family Christian Store.

This was a very productive Monday for me. I hope you accomplished all you set out to do today. Now I challenge you to set aside time to engage your creativity. You have a wonderful imagination and you should use it. You have many talents worth exploring, so get busy.

As a prompt, write about books. Being a writer, artist, or reader, I know you have a relationship with the printed word. Write a poem, story, journal entry, or note involving books. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thanks for reading my blog. Should you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment. If you enjoyed your visit here you might like to subscribe to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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