Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 14

Journal entry:

Journal 1-22-20130001



Sometimes I wonder
How things have come to be as
They exist today,
We started out with so much
Less than we have presently.

People are growing
In greater complexity
With each passing day,
Aided by technology
That advances very fast.

Would those who lived just
One hundred years ago be
Totally surprised
By who we have now become
And the magic we perform?

Some days I even
Find myself almost amazed
By accomplishments
I am able to make with
Computer technology.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I am caught up with my Bible reading.
2.   I talked to Jeremy today.
3.   I stayed home.
4.   The tractor was picked up for service.
5.   I thought to check Mom’s handicap placard and will be able to renew it before it expires on January 30th.


I hope your Tuesday was pleasant. Before you pack this day away as history take time to create something. You can write, paint, draw, take a photograph, or do whatever appeals to you.

As a prompt, write about how mood effects your creativity. Do you let your mood keep you from creating or do you work in spite of your feelings? When you are happy are you more imaginative or is it in somber moods when you create more? Write a poem, story, journal entry, or note to elaborate on later. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for spending your time here. Please share your comments with me. If you enjoyed your visit, perhaps you would like to subscribe to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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