Tuesday, July 03, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 176

Journal entry:

Journal 7-3-20120001

Because It Is True

I am a Christian,
I have faith in Jesus Christ,
I believe respect
Should be given to others
With their differing beliefs.

I am Democrat,
But I am a patriot,
I believe freedom
Is for every one of us,
I do love America.

I have a real heart,
I have a tender conscience,
I am helpful to
Others who are in great need,
I live with due diligence.

I am really not
Republican’s enemy,
I am a person
The same as any other
Living life the best I can.

I do not rant and
Rail with despicable strife
Against people who
Hold opposing opinions,
Even when they spit upon me.

I am not a dog
To be kicked around this place,
I have the same right
To follow my convictions
As anyone living here.

This America
Belongs to me as much as
It does to others,
And I will exercise rights
I am allowed completely.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, July 3, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I live in the United States of America.
2.   I have personal freedom.
3.   My beautiful dog, Hope, loves me.
4.   I have a place to live.
5.   I have food to eat.

I hope your Tuesday has been pleasant. I hope you will make an effort to do something creative now. I believe you have the ability and talent to make a contribution to our world. Creativity is a blessing you can share with others.

If you need a prompt, write about something you feel about strongly. It could be your religion, your politics, your race, your job, your family, a charity, or anything else. If you use the prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments here so we can share your creation.

I realize you may disagree with my entry today, but whatever you have to share I would love to read your comment. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it means a lot to me.

Jo Ann

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