Monday, July 30, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 203

Journal entry:

Journal 7-30-20120001

I visited Trifecta for inspiration to create a poem today. It was a bit a challenge, but you should see if a visit to that site would help you make something.


I am not strictly
Normal, as in a standard
Of the word, but it is fine
To deviate a little.

Normal is easy,
Being unique is really
A bit challenging,
It takes special skill to stand
Out beyond the usual.

You want a normal,
Look for another person,
Because I do not
Belong to the class, I am
One who lives outside the norm.

Normal is a game
I rarely have any wish
To join in or play,
I am happy with myself
Doing everything my way.

Insanity does
Not conform to the normal,
But are we not all
Just a little bit crazy
In our own particulars?

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, July 30, 2012




I am grateful:

1.   I lay back down this morning and took a nap.
2.   I have completed reading more than half the Bible aloud to my Mom this year.
3.   I am enjoying reading Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness.
4.   Our ballots were already mailed for the election tomorrow.
5.   Mom and I enjoyed the supper I cooked this evening.

This Monday has been a quiet day for me. I hope your day has been good. Now you should take a little time to do something creative. Every day is an opportunity for you to exercise your talents. Do not waste your chance.

If you need a prompt, write about the beauty that surrounds you in the world at all times. No matter where you may be or what you are doing there is undoubtedly some beauty. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments.

I thank you for visiting my blog. Your comments would be much appreciated.

Jo Ann

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