Tuesday, July 10, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 183

Journal entry:

Journal 7-10-20120001

Creative Writing

When you want to write
Simply reach inside your heart,
Engage you full mind,
Let words tumble from the space
Where your highest self resides.

Be the creator
Stoked by imagination;
Burning brightly within you
Will lead you on proper paths.

You have the power
To bring great enlightenment
To those who will read
The work you bring forth into
The present reality.

Let your consciousness
Lead you beyond the normal
Plane of your being
Into the true creative
Force which enlivens your soul.

The writing you do
Has potential to effect
This and future times
Through the complete transmission
Of your wonderful ideas.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, July 10, 2012




I am grateful:

1.   I slept in a little this morning.
2.   I was able to call Hope back when she got out in the rain.
3.   Mom and I went to the country store to buy tomatoes and bread.
4.   I think I know how I am going to develop my zine.
5.   Today is the halfway point of my creativity project.

I hope your Tuesday has been productive. If you have not done something creative yet, please do it now. I know you can make a wonderful contribution to the world.

For your prompt today, I submit this question: What are your options? This can carry you in any direction. Just write whatever crosses your mind. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments.

I hope something here has positively impacted you. If so, please leave a comment. I am glad you visited my blog today. Thanks so much for sharing your life with me.

Jo Ann

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