Thursday, July 26, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 199

Journal entry:

Journal 7-26-20120001

Embrace Your Self

Life should open you
Up through experiences
In daily living;
You might attempt accepting
The person you are become.

When you grow beyond
The narrowness of belief;
Expand and embrace
The reality of who
You have developed to be.

Your destiny is
Before you and endlessly
Unfolding into
The marvelously gifted
Person you are meant to be.

Do not waste time or
Energy on mindless hate;
You are much bigger
A person, more enlightened,
Be at peace with your own heart.

God placed great beauty,
Unspeakable joy and love,
Within your own heart;
These graces He meant you to
Share easily with the world.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, July 26, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I made a new friend who is an author.
2.   I reconnected with a friend with whom I had lost contact.
3.   This was a peaceful day.
4.   Mom and I had some good conversations.
5.   The lasagna we had for supper was very good.

This is the 199th day of my creativity project. If I can maintain this practice that long, I know you can produce something creative today. Just make an effort. It will make your Thursday better if you do.

For a prompt, write about how you make a difference in the world. If you don’t feel you make a difference, write about someone you believe does. I believe each of us makes a meaningful contribution to the universe, and would encourage you to give credit to yourself. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments so I and others can read your creation.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here. I would love to know any thoughts or suggestions you care to make, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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