Monday, October 22, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 287

Journal entry:

Journal 10-22-20120001

Loving Examples

Love is…
A loyal pet
A song in the morning
A friend who never deserts you
A mother who nourishes her children
A home providing you shelter
A beautiful sunset
A risen Lord
Love is…

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, October 22, 2012

Photographs from the Little Five Points Halloween Festival and Parade:




I am grateful:

1.   It is getting cooler.
2.   I was able to lay out the page.
3.   Richard was willing to advise me.
4.   Mom was interested in what I did and gave me input.
5.   I enjoyed the work.

I was busy all day. I hope your Monday went well. You should take a few moments to do some creative work. This is probably a change of pace to the rest of your day, and should be enjoyable. Creation often helps calm nerves and may relax you after a long day.

As a prompt, use the phrase, “Love is” in a poem, story, or journal entry. I think this has many possibilities, just choose one… If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Please leave a comment if you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me. Maybe you would like to follow Chronicles so you get daily updates.

Jo Ann

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