Saturday, March 02, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 52

Journal entry:

Journal 3-1-20130001



Thank God,
Every day dawns
Brand new, open to our
Devoted efforts to achieve
Our creative goals and aspirations;
Nothing is written on our slates
With indelible ink,
Each day we can

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, March 1, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom has been pleasant today.
2.   We had our meeting with the nutritionist.
3.   The things I have been feeding Mom are mostly good.
4.   We met at the library and I was able to check out some awesome novels.
5.   I managed to write a journal entry and poem tonight despite feeling less than inspired.


This was a very good Friday for me. I hope you enjoyed your day as well. Get yourself in gear and produce something creative. I have confidence in your ability to achieve greatness. The world awaits your work.

As a prompt, write what is good about being yourself. Your poem, story, or journal entry can be linked here in the comments. I know these prompts are not as popular as some on the internet, but I hope by offering them each day that I encourage someone to work creatively.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I would be very grateful if you would leave a comment sharing your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism. I hope you will visit often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles for future update.

Jo Ann

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