Saturday, March 23, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 74

Journal entry:

Journal 3-23-20130001


Stormy Weather

Rolling over
Us like they are bowling
In Heaven and my poor puppy
Dog, Hope, is frantic with apprehension.
She wants me to make room for her
In my lap, but I am
Busy just now,

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, March 23, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Penny seems a little better.
2.   My computer is not broken.
3.   Best Buy had a workable power adapter.
4.   Mom rode to town with me.
5.   I am able to post tonight.


This Saturday has been a bit taxing, as always happens when my technology does not work as it should. I hope your day was relaxing and filled with happiness. Get yourself in gear and create something. You have unlimited resources of imagination at your disposal. Do not waste time in self doubt. I believe you have the talent to do marvelous things if you only apply yourself.

As a prompt, write about the weather where you are. You know we often converse about the weather in small talk, so just create a poem, story, or journal entry that explores the subject. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I hope you will return often, but I also suggest you enter your email above and subscribe to Chronicles. I cannot stress enough how much your feedback means to me. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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