Tuesday, May 22, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 134

Journal entry:

Journal 5-22-20120001

Today my poetry prompt came from Carry On Tuesday. You should try their site if you are looking for inspiration.

After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day

These things you say I should do,
You have no real conception
What you are asking of me,
Nor how ill prepared I am
To take on additional
Tasks beyond my regular
Responsibilities now.

My disorders render me
Unable to accomplish
The many things required on
Ordinary every days.
It is God’s grace providing
All the care I am able
To give my full attention.

I do my personal best,
But eventually there
May come a crisis in time
Where someone else has to take
On accountability
As incapability
Might overcome my usefulness.

For now I am still enough,
After all, tomorrow
Is another day and it
Is all in the hands of God
Come whatever will He sees
Fit to bestow upon us,
But do not expect the most of me.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Unfortunately, that poem made my Mom cry because she knows how easily I could have problems that incapacitated me. I have both Schizo-Affective Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Either one could render me unable to care for her and the dogs for a time, but I hope God will continue to see fit to bless me with strength to do the things I must. My sister-in-law, Linda, indicated I should do something that I cannot manage and inspired the content of the poem. My family should back me up so that all the responsibility is not mine, but they don’t.



Mom close up…



I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early.
2.   There were Oreo cookies for breakfast.
3.   I finally found a parking space at the hospital.
4.   The printer cartridge was the right one.
5.   We were able to skip Wal-Mart today.

I hope your Tuesday was less problematic than mine. Try to do something creative before you retire tonight.

If you feel moved, please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

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