Sunday, November 04, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 300

Journal entry:

Journal 11-4-20120001

The following poem is in answer to the prompts at Poetic Asides and The Sunday Whirl. I combined the prompts so I would not have to write two poems. The words in italics are from the wordle at The Sunday Whirl. You might want to visit both sites if you are up to a real challenge.

Just Beneath Your Charm

I scramble into
The tumultuous depths out
Beyond the safe shore
Where waves are swelling with wrath,
Not like your upbeat surface.

Your core is rotten,
Others enable your acts,
But sanity flees
Before your unquenchable
Anger brought to bear on me.

My patience is key
Allowing me some freedom
To avoid the cost
Of the destruction you bring
Into my calm existence.

Your smooth charm belies
The unpleasantness carried
Within your evil
Heart, which explodes in fury
When you meet me face to face.

You are a bully
And I am your unwilling
Victim fallen prey
To your brutal malicious
Cruelty hidden in charm.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, November 4, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I had an extra hour to sleep.
2.   I have prompts for poems each day this month.
3.   We had a wonderful lunch.
4.   Mom helped me shop at Wal-Mart.
5.   Today is day 300 of my creativity project.

This Sunday has been wonderful for me. I hope your day has also been great. Take time to create something now, before the day slips away from you. You are undoubtedly as gifted as I am, so you can definitely come up with work to share with the world.

As a prompt, write about a book you have read recently. Either review it, or let it suggest a story for you to work with. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I am thankful for your visit to my blog. If you enjoyed what you found here you might want to follow Chronicles. I am very interested in your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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