Saturday, November 10, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 306

Journal entry:

Journal 11-10-20120001

Today’s poem is in answer to the prompt at Poetic Asides. I encourage you to visit that site and join the PAD Challenge.

Bons Mots Avec Mon Amis

When there is trouble,
When I am feeling undone,
Good words with my friends
Can set me back on the path
Of true joy and happiness.

My friends are treasure
Given me by gracious God
To inspire and lift
Me from the desolate depths
Of deepest darkest despair.

We may be distant,
Not knowing each other well,
But we bridge the space
With loving kindness, friendship,
That suits our needs very well.

I can often share
Bons mots avec mon amis
About anything
I choose and they will answer
Giving their good opinions,

Jesus has been good
Enough to grace my life with
People who mean so
Much to me in every way,
Bons mots avec mon amis.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, November 10, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Hope woke me by barking and growling.
2.   Leigh was able to come help us.
3.   Mom did not break any bones.
4.   Mom has eaten fairly well at lunch and supper.
5.   Hope and I walked a bit this evening.

I have had a busy day, and were God not with us it could have been tragic. I hope your Saturday was much better than mine. I have taken time to work creatively despite the problems of the day. Please engage your creativity now and make something that will brighten our world. I know you have the ability, just apply yourself.

As a prompt, write about something you could not handle alone. You can write a poem, story, or journal entry that will enlighten others and celebrate your triumph over struggle... If you use this prompt, please leave the link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so glad you took time to read my entry today. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, please leave me a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit here, if so, you might want to follow Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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