Tuesday, April 24, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 106

Journal entry:

Journal 4-24-20120001

April Poem A Day Challenge, poem twenty-four:

More Wasted Words

I know I should not
Write about you once again
Because you are gone,
But when I think of loving
You always come to my mind.

I do not love you
In the way of fresh lovers,
But my heart remains
Entangled in the idea
Of you, though you are absent.

I sincerely wish
There were someone else brand new
Filling emptiness
You left in my heart and life,
But no one appears to start.

Perhaps the fault is
All mine for so vividly
Remembering us.
Maybe I need to excise
The thought of you from my mind.

So once again you
Captured my full attention
Even though I know
You will never read my lines;
Get behind me, you bastard.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, April 24, 2012







Yucca with new shoot which will bloom…



I am grateful:

1.   I took a shower and it helped me wake up.
2.   I went to town and back safely.
3.   I use the BlackBerry to keep my shopping list.
4.   I like the poem I wrote today.
5.   I have a few ideas for new creations.

Tuesday has been a very full day for me. I hope you accomplished what you wanted to get done. Take some time to create something. The PAD Challenge for today was a love poem or anti-love poem. I am sure you can write one of those.

Jo Ann

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