Wednesday, April 25, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 107

Journal entry:

Journal 4-25-20120001

April Poem A Day Challenge, poem twenty-five:

Motion Poem

I miss the sunshine
Reflecting off the water
As I rode above
On my Cypress Gardens skis;
Sweet poetry of my youth.

My ability
To skim over the rough waves
Was easily learned
From my patient brother who
Spent ample time teaching me.

Those bright days remain
Beautifully framed in my
Fondest memories.
The slap of wood on water
Resonates within my mind.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, April 25, 2012









Pampas Grass…



I am grateful:

1.   I did not have to go to town today.
2.   I caught up on some sleep.
3.   I have made some new friends through the platform challenge.
4.   My new magazine subscriptions will begin soon.
5.   The puppy dogs add lots of love to my life.

Wednesday is middle of the work week, so I hope all of you had a good day. The PAD Challenge for today was to write a poem about sport, so if you like, try your hand at that. If not do something else creative. It will help you relax and unwind.

There were some questions in my journal entry. Please share your answers with me in the comments if you feel so inclined.

Jo Ann

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