Monday, June 04, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 147

Journal entry:

Journal 6-4-20120001

Today’s poem is prompted by The Monday Melting on Rosemary Mint. The words from the prompt are in italics.

A Piece Of Work

I am feminine,
But also a warrior
With a great hunger
To accomplish much through work
Not only by simple chance.

I may dress in tulle
And paint my bright eyes with kohl,

But tenacity
Is an iconic feature
Of my personality.

I write by edict
Of my own eponymous
Lines these many poems
That fall like dew from my mind
And flow forth in thick gel ink.

A flick of my wrist
Affixes my signature
With a grand flourish
To each of my endeavors
Which may finally be read.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, June 4, 2012



One among many…


Orange Lily…



I am grateful:

1.   The power came back on after only about an hour.
2.   Mom rode to town with me.
3.   I have a little money left for the month.
4.   The pizza was very good at supper.
5.   I did not have to go to the hospital though it appears I had anaphylactic shock due to Hope’s new flea and tick collar.

I hope your Monday was a good day. If you feel up to it, do something creative before the day is over.

I would much appreciate your comments.

Jo Ann

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