Tuesday, June 19, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 162

Journal entry:

Journal 6-19-20120001

The prompt for my poem today came from Carry On Tuesday. I encourage you to visit that site if you are in need of a bit of inspiration.

Question Of Worth

I wonder sometimes,
Is there anybody there?
Are you listening?
Do you have any reason
To pay attention, and care?

My errant words go
Out into the atmosphere
Seeking hearts to move,
Lives to touch with gentleness
Bringing some new awareness.

Yet I never know,
Is there anybody there?
I could be speaking
Only to shadows who have
No souls to be soft caressed.

I write tempting fate
To bury significance
Under layers of
Deepest darkest ignorance,
Lost to almost everyone.

It often makes me
Feel I must work much harder
To make some meaning,
And still I wonder sometimes,
Is there anybody there?

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, June 19, 2012



One minute to midnight, or noon if you rather…


Finished books with prompts I created on each page…


Title and invocation page for my prompt books…

I am grateful:

1.   I slept in a bit, after a very late night.
2.   The writing came easily today.
3.   We stayed home.
4.   My life has meaning, although there are problems.
5.   I pursue writing even though it seems unreasonable at times.

I hope your Tuesday has brought you many smiling moments. Use a few of them to create something that is meaningful to you. When you bring yourself to the page or canvas you legitimize your presence in the world. You may motivate others to excel in their struggles.

As a prompt today, I would like you to write a letter or poem of encouragement to someone you do not really know, someone who mostly goes unnoticed and receives little appreciation for the contributions he or she makes to your life. Maybe your postal person, your hair stylist, a wait person at a restaurant, a cashier at a store you frequent, or anyone who is really behind the scenes of making your life more pleasant. Post your work and leave a link in the comments here so I and those who visit can read your creation, then give it to the person you had in mind to inspire them.

I hope today’s entry made an impression on you, if so, or if you have any suggestions… please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

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