Saturday, June 16, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 159

Journal entry:

Journal 6-16-20120001

Growing Older

Every day closer
To the ending of my days,
My life marches on
Likely now closer to end
Than nearer its beginning.

My limbs grow weaker
Than in years so quickly passed,
My hair is stranded
With thinning threads of pure white
I do not fight to cover.

My mind once quite strong
Now fades like my memories,
Not learning new things
Nearly as fast as I like,
Gradually losing thoughts.

The child of my youth
Becomes fully an adult
So masterfully
Handling all his own affairs
Without my guiding input.

My usefulness grows
Always less valuable
Though I still attempt
To maintain my importance
In the daily scheme of things.

However, I shall
Not give in to my decline
I shall fight each day
To stay my true steadfast course
And keep my full dignity.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, June 16, 2012



Monte Verde pen and journal…


Another Monte Verde pen and journal…

I am grateful:

1.   I took a nap today.
2.   I have good books to read.
3.   My camera takes great pictures.
4.   I am learning more about poetry.
5.   I have internet service that connects me to the world.

Have you been busy on this marvelous Saturday? I hope you will take time to do something creative. If you need a prompt, write a reflection on the passage of time. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments.

Please leave me a comment expressing your thoughts about this entry.

Jo Ann

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