Friday, June 08, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 151

Journal entry:

Journal 6-8-20120001


My mind fields do not
Lie fallow under bright light
Of close inspection,
They are planted fully well
With such acute construction.

Concepts grow strong free
Undaunted by strangling weeds
Of dark repression,
Words crop up that with great force
Contend for their expression.

My explosive thoughts
Lie buried near the surface
Where interjection
Will have the most positive
Effect without a question.

Words are my weapons
To conquer the negatives
The opposition
Presents to overcome all
My thoughts on exposition.

I fight the good fight
If only within my mind
To decommission
Everything that leads toward
Creative prohibition.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, June 8, 2012









I am grateful:

1.   I got up early this morning.
2.   I wrote a poem without a prompt.
3.   Mom got up with me.
4.   There is much beauty here on our property.
5.   I enjoy exploring my creativity.

It is a beautiful Friday here. I hope your day is enjoyable. Get your camera out and take some pictures, write a poem or story, journal, draw or paint something… You get the idea, I want you to do something creative. I know you can because you are at least as gifted as I am. It does not have to be perfect, just make the effort, practice will lead to improvement. Every day gives you an opportunity to exercise your creative license.

I would love to read your comments…

Jo Ann


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