Thursday, May 02, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 114

Journal entry:

Journal 5-2-20130001


Advice to Someone Who Is Blocked in Their Writing

You have to be willing to write just, "I cannot think of anything to write, I have nothing to say. I don't understand why I feel this way, but I do..." and just go on, even repeating yourself, until something comes to you. I have been doing my Creativity Project every day for over a year now. Often I have nothing to write, but I begin and just talk to myself on the page, and it usually leads to something. Do not stare at the blank page... write... even if it is the same sentence over again... eventually you will break through. The mind will begin to create. I truly believe it works because I do it. I was severely blocked before I began my Creativity Project, but now I write every day: A journal entry and poem a day, plus a gratitude list, some encouragement, and a prompt. I know it works. You can do it, I have. You have to want it and not be afraid to fail... if you call not writing beautifully every day a fail.

Perfectionism is very hard on creativity. You have to banish the harsh internal editor and write, even badly. You do not have to share what you write with the world, though I do, but you have to write. You have to give yourself permission to do the work without expectation of perfection. Realizing that nothing is actually perfect may help you. No matter how well we do a thing there is always room for improvement, so nothing is perfect. You do not have to be so hard on yourself. Write for yourself, amuse yourself, you might surprise yourself and find you want others to share your discovery. Loosen up and allow the making of mistakes. Some of the most fortunate things I have done were mistakes that led to something wonderful. Learn from your efforts. There is always the chance to edit what you write and improve it, after it is written.

I know this works, because I have made the journey from being unable to put down a sentence, to writing each day. It is not an easy journey, but it begins with desire and a willingness to start. The effort is most assuredly worthwhile. Had someone told me I could write every day for over a year when I began my Creativity Project, I would have told that person it was impossible. I have done it. It worked for me. It is possible. I am no one special. It can, with dedication and willingness to accept whatever work you do, also work for you.

Make the effort and you will find it gets easier with time. I still have days on which I have nothing to write, but I begin there and keep going. Eventually the words begin to flow. They may not be beautiful words, but they are mine, and being original in my creation is one of my goals, as is getting words on the page. You and I do not have to be perfect, that is not reality. We just have to be willing to do the best of our ability in the moment. It is good enough and it will fill pages… Try it and see…

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, May 2, 2013



It is not ever
All about you, it is not
All about me, but
It is about who we can
Become relying on God.

We are only parts
Of the wonderful plans made
By the Creator,
Fulfilling His purposes
Through our actions in the world.

Jesus uses us
To accomplish whatever
Needs to be done in
The places where we are put,
In the times we come forward.

We will never be
Called upon to give more than
We are made able,
We are holy instruments
In the hands of awesome God.

It is not ever
All about you, it is not
All about me, but
It is about who we can
Become relying on God.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, May 2, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom slept through the night without waking up in pain.
2.   I read over 100 pages in The Legend Of Broken by Caleb Carr, which puts me a little closer to finishing the book.
3.   I carried on conversations with a few people overnight.
4.   I started my Facebook page.
5.   We travelled to and from Mom’s appointment safely.


My Thursday has gone reasonably well. I hope your day was very pleasant. I encourage you to engage your imagination in doing something creative. I am convinced you can accomplish anything you are willing to commit to doing. You have the talent to make a wonderful contribution to our world.

As a prompt, write about your strategy for overcoming creative block. You may want to write a poem, story, or journal entry that explores this issue. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope it has encouraged you. Please visit often, but you might also want to enter your email address in the space provided above to subscribe to Chronicles. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann




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