Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 118

Journal entry:

Journal 5-6-20130001


Beyond Bearing

Could it be magic?
This feeling uncontained by
My normal restraint,
Running wild across my nerves,
Shaking up my sheltered life.

I glance so quickly
At you and then away with
Eyes that cannot bear
More than just momentary
Contact with your fair visage.

Your voice causes me
To tremble with deep longing
Consuming every
Vestige of my strong resolve,
Making me completely melt.

I am overcome
By overwhelming feelings
Of desire and love,
I want you within my arms
Cradled to my beating heart.

Could it be magic?
This feeling uncontained by
My normal restraint,
Running wild across my nerves,
Shaking up my sheltered life.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, May 6, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I was able to stay up all night.
2.   Mom was able to have her procedure even though somehow the office had not scheduled it.
3.   She did well despite us not having proper preparation.
4.   I went to Sam’s Club and picked up a few things we needed and got a sample that made me want to prepare a recipe.
5.   I remembered to renew my library books.


I had a decent Monday and hope your day also went well. There were moments when I thought the whole thing was going to fall apart, but it held together. I encourage you to engage your creativity and make something wonderful to share with the world. You never know all you can accomplish until you put forth effort.

As a prompt, write about your hidden talent. I hope yours is more pleasant than mine! Write a poem, story, or journal entry and leave a link to your work in the comments below so we can enjoy your revelation.

Thank you very much for reading my blog. I hope you will visit often, but you might also wish to enter your email address in the space provided above and subscribe to Chronicles. I welcome any comments you may have to share, so please leave one.

Jo Ann

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