Saturday, May 11, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 122

A meditation on pain and suffering:

Journal 5-10-20130001


This poem is in answer to the prompt at The Sunday Whirl. The words in italics are from Wordle 108, I got the words early on Facebook. You could visit that site for inspiration…

Vitriolic Outburst

I open my mouth and
Say the words that come to mind
Allowing them space
Under the blistering sun,
I will not yet be broken.

I will not cave, but
Shake my fist in defiance
Despite your constant
Drone raised against my judgment,
You will find actions binding.

I will continue
Circling subjects voicing
Chants and quiet vows
Unceasingly, using all
My force quite efficiently.

I would call you crook,
But the name is much too good
To describe you well,
You’re an absolute bully
Deserving name enemy.

My anger boils so
Riotously I cannot
Contain it within,
It overflows determined
To impact our history.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, May 10, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I went to town and did our weekly shopping.
2.   I picked up a Papa John’s pizza for me and Krystals for Mom.
3.   Laura called and rescheduled our dinner together.
4.   I talked to Richard Nichols this evening.
5.   Reba called and reported on her condition. She is recovering from her surgery.


I had a reasonably good Friday, although I stayed up all night. I hope you also had a good day. While you have a few moments, concentrate your energy on doing some creative work. I know you have the ability if you only set your mind to it. Your skill will grow with practice and inspiration will find you if you make a consistent effort.

As a prompt, write about a situation or person that maddens you. I find this is a great stress reliever. Leave a link to your poem, story, or journal entry in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will find your way here again, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by entering your email address in the space provided above. Any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.

Jo Ann

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