Friday, May 17, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 128

Journal entry:

Journal 5-16-20130001



I tried to collect
My thoughts, making sense of all
The clamor within
My restless soul, but my mind’s
Attention moved endlessly.

No respite found I
From the jostling images
Invading my brain,
No idea brought me relief
From such an intense struggle.

My wayward thoughts kept
Me in an incessant state
Of indecision
With no refuge from the storm
Raging wild within myself.

Even prayer did not
Bring me any lasting peace,
I was awash in
Feeling inadequacy
Of all my tireless effort.

I tried to collect
My thoughts, preparing to
Do something worthwhile,
But no successful pathway
Presented itself to me.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom had a little while today that she was in less pain.
2.   We did not have to go to any doctors.
3.   My son, Alex, is a successful adult.
4.   I finished reading The Sanctuary by Ted Dekker last night.
5.   I was able to write a poem this evening.


This Thursday was not a demanding day and I got to relax some, which was nice. I hope your day was good. Take some time now and dedicate yourself to doing something creative. You can do great things if you set your mind to it. I am convinced each of us has much to contribute to the world through our creativity, and you are no exception.

As a prompt, write about a time you attempted to collect your thoughts. You may have been successful, or you may have failed. Share the details with us by leaving a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you will visit often, but also encourage you to subscribe to Chronicles by email if you would like to receive future updates. Any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism you care to share is welcome, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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