Tuesday, September 25, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 260

Journal entry:

Journal 9-25-20120001

Today’s poem is in answer to the prompt at Carry On Tuesday. If you are looking for inspiration, please visit that site.

Your Reaction Is What Matters

Life isn’t about what happens to you,
It’s about how you handle what happens.
You have the choice to make the best of each
Situation you face, or you can be
Swayed by the daily pressures of your life.

You are the captain in charge of every
Reaction you have to things that happen,
No one else has power to control you.
Your decisions are the final verdict
Given on all your experiences.

You can respond with an attitude of
Gratitude and happiness to every
Challenge you face in life, for after all,
Life isn’t about what happens to you,
It’s about how you handle what happens.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, September 25, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I had wonderful dreams overnight.
2.   My best friend, Reba, called me and we talked for a while.
3.   I live in a free country.
4.   I have the opportunity to express my creativity.
5.   I have made some great new friends recently.

I hope you accomplished all you wished to on this Tuesday. Take time to create something before you bring your day to a close. Creation does not have to take place in any certain discipline, anything you do can be approached with imagination. You have great talents if you will only use them.

As a prompt, write an argument for why you believe “Creativity is not about freedom,” or “Creativity is all about freedom.” If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I am so thankful that you read my blog today. If you enjoyed what you read, perhaps you would also like to follow Chronicles. I know you may have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism you would like to share, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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