Saturday, August 04, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 208

Journal entry:

Journal 8-4-20120001

Completely Responsible

I do not pretend
To be perfect, but I seem
More adept at things
Than some others who think they
Are more competent than me.

I must organize
A variety of tasks
And handle them well
Or things fall apart for us
In a very short order.

I am always on
Call for an emergency
Arising any
Moment, daytime or nighttime,
I can fix every problem.

I never believed
The responsibility
Should be given me,
But I perform very well
Under some intense pressures.

I must overcome
All my disability
In circumstances
Where I need total control
Or everything collapses.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, August 4, 2012






I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early this morning.
2.   Mom went with me today.
3.   We made it safely over I-20 and 285 in the rain.
4.   The pizza I ordered was very good.
5.   My doctor did make it to the office even though he looked exhausted.

I hope your Saturday was more pleasurable than mine. I had a great deal of difficulty doing my journal entry and poem this evening because I was very upset over my experience at Wal-Mart. My nerves would not settle, but I managed to do this project anyway. You can do something creative if you set your mind to it.

My prompt for you is to write about a situation that did not go exactly as planned. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. If you have a comment or suggestion I would be honored to read it.

Jo Ann

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