Thursday, August 09, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 213

Journal entry:

Journal 8-9-20120001

Flights of Fancy

Takes flight into the unknown,
Brings your vision so alive
Others can participate.

Every day is yours
To experience and mold
Into beautiful
Creations completely new,
Totally original.

Your ability
To engage everyone else,
Mind and heart, is great
If you will commit yourself
To working creatively.

Allow miracles
To flow through your hands onto
Paper or canvas,
Bringing dreams into the world
Where people can share in them.

Brings your vision full alive,
Takes flight into the unknown
Conquering the universe.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, August 9, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Mom and I sat and talked for a couple of hours this morning.
2.   Oreo cookies and milk made a tasty breakfast.
3.   I called Jeremy and he said he will come out Saturday.
4.   I picked up Penny’s medicine at Sam’s Pharmacy.
5.   Hope seems calmer with the Thunder Shirt on.

This was a busy Thursday for me and I hope you accomplished a lot during your day. If you have not already exercised your creativity today, do it now. You impact the world with the things you choose to create. People are poorer when you leave your talents unused.

The prompt for today is to write about something you are not sure how you should handle. Maybe it is a relationship, a work situation, or even how to approach a project. See if your writing suggests a solution to your quandary. If you use this prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I had a hard time creating this entry. I was not in the least inspired, but I hope something in it was worthwhile. If you have suggestions or a comment, I would love to read your input.

Jo Ann

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