Tuesday, August 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 232

Journal entry:

Journal 8-28-20120001

Journal 8-28-20120002

My poem today was prompted by Carry On Tuesday and my conversation with Linda. If you need some inspiration you should visit that site.

Midway In Life’s Journey

I have concluded
That I cannot please others
In all things I do;
My opinions, my beliefs,
Are only mine to decide.

I must never sit
In judgment over others,
And am myself free
To make my own decisions
Living just as I so choose.

I live aspiring
To finally reach Heaven,
Assured I will go
There because Jesus saved me
Paying all price for my sin.

I can rest secure
Because no other person
Can decree my fate;
My choices are surely mine
To make, without a question.

I traverse my way
Midway in life’s journey to
The places I want
To travel with certainty
That my life is going well.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, August 28, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I got up fairly early.
2.   I gave Mom the papers to carry with her.
3.   I found out my shots should be covered.
4.   Mom got her license without hassle.
5.   I am confident in my salvation.

I hope you had a wonderful Tuesday. Take time to create now. You may feel less than inspired, but if you apply yourself to creation you will make something worthwhile. No creative effort is ever wasted. Even if what you make is not as you wish, you may come back to it later and find something useful.

As a prompt, write about something of which you are certain, but others question. This might be a belief, a story, an experience on which you and others differ. If you use this prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for reading. Please leave a comment if you have something to share.

Jo Ann

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