Wednesday, August 01, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 205

Journal entry:

Journal 8-1-20120001

The Problem With Politics

There is a problem
For me with politicians,
I do not like them,
They are most definitely
Selfish and money loving.

The Republicans
And Democrats are equal
In their disregard
For people of similar
Circumstances to myself.

It is the money
Propelling them to action,
Not the common good,
They have fully forgotten
Our country’s true principles.

One side screams loudly,
“No new taxes,” while others
Lobby for reform,
Neither side accomplishing
Anything of lasting worth.

Oh, to finally
See some regular person
In high position
Who understands dilemmas
Faced by common citizens.

We can surely hope,
But it is unlikely we
Will ever find it
Turning out in such a way,
For money runs politics.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, August 1, 2012



The book Claudia sent me… It is gorgeous…


An elephant…


Another view of the elephant…

I am grateful:

1.   I have wonderful friends the world over who I have met through the internet.
2.   Claudia sent me such a glorious gift.
3.   God blesses me so abundantly.
4.   I have a computer with internet access.
5.   People are kinder than we sometimes imagine.

It has been a very good Wednesday for me, I hope it was the same for you. Please take a few moments of your time to do something creative. You may be thinking it is too hard, but I submit to you that I have written 123 poems since April 1st and I have done this Creativity Project for 205 days, surely you can do produce something of great worth today.

For a prompt today, write about something unexpected that has happened to you through your use of the internet. I am sure you can write a poem or story detailing your resulting adventures. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below so that others can enjoy your creation.

I am so glad you visited my blog today. If you feel inclined, leave me a comment or suggestion. Some days I have a problem thinking of subjects about which to write. Maybe you have ideas you would like to share. I would much appreciate those.

Jo Ann

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