Monday, August 20, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 224

Journal entry:

Journal 8-20-20120001

Paean To Writers

Wordsmiths work magic
Upon the empty pages
Bringing characters
And situations to life
For their diligent readers.

Flows freely through each writer’s
Mind seeking to be
Expressed in tangible form
For consumption of the world.

People are bewitched
By imaginative words,
Beautiful phrases,
Made concrete by those who wield
The mighty pen with prowess.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, August 20, 2012



Yucca plants at end of driveway…


Hawthorne berries…


Sign leading to our house…

I am grateful:

1.   I caught up on some sleep today.
2.   There was leftover cabbage for me to eat.
3.   I am still writing a poem a day.
4.   Mom is here to share my life.
5.   Alex wrote me an email that made me laugh and realize he still appreciates what I did for him when he was younger.

I hope your Monday has not been overly taxing. Take your energy in hand and use your imagination to create work that others will enjoy. You have great ability if you apply yourself to the task.

As a prompt, write about something disturbing you see developing in society. This should not be very difficult. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I hope you enjoyed your sojourn with me. If you have thoughts or suggestions, be sure to leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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